
We need your help

Please consider making a contribution to your Trout Unlimited chapter, the Golden Gate Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

We are a 100% volunteer organization and only $1.00 of your Trout Unlimited membership dues go to our chapter. We raise 100% of the funds needed to fund our conservation and Trout in the Classroom programs and projects.

Please take a moment to see first-hand what we are accomplishing with volunteers and your donations by exploring this website.  In 2017, we received special commendation from the Marin County Board of Supervisors for nearly half a century of public service. You can read about it here:

Donations can be made by clicking on the button above, or by sending a check payable to:

                        Golden Gate Trout Unlimited

                        c/o Treasurer

                        PO Box 6016

          San Rafael, CA 94903


Please check with your employer to see if they will match your donation. Some companies also match donations made by retirees.

The Golden Gate Chapter of Trout Unlimited (chapter #903) is an active chapter in good standing with Trout Unlimited and as such falls under Trout Unlimited, Inc.'s 501 (c) (3) status. All donations are 100% tax-deductible and will be acknowledged in writing.  Our federal tax ID number is 74-2047347.

Thank you again for your support.